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Author Archives: Site Administrator


Recovering from Toxic Relationships

By Taryn G. Sinatra, P.A. |

Psychological abuse or toxic relationships have a serious impact on people’s lives. However, you can recover from this traumatic experience. The key is respecting your time and process. Learn six steps to help you recover from a toxic relationship. Remember, should you decide divorce is your path, we are here to guide you every step… Read More »

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6 Ways to Cope With Being Triggered in Relationships

By Taryn G. Sinatra, P.A. |

How to cope with being triggered? As humans, we develop coping mechanisms to avoid pain, but sometimes we sabotage our relationships when our immediate reactions to triggers don’t lead to the desired outcome of more loving interactions. Below you can learn ways to answer our first question. Do you know how to cope with… Read More »

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Retain What’s Yours: Understanding Property Division

By Taryn G. Sinatra, P.A. |

Aside from the emotionally taxing experience of a divorce, the logistics and practicalities around the process when it involves children, pets, or assets add to the stress and unpleasantness of the situation. However, despite the feelings involved, and the desire to “just want to get it over with,” it is important to make sure… Read More »

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Child Abuse

By Taryn G. Sinatra, P.A. |

Child abuse is not just physical violence directed at a child. It is any form of maltreatment by an adult, which is violent or threatening for the child. This includes neglect. The first step in helping children who have been abused or neglected is learning to recognize the signs of maltreatment. All children deserve… Read More »

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Life on the Other Side of Divorce

By Taryn G. Sinatra, P.A. |

When a marriage ends, it can feel like your entire world and way of knowing has come to an end as well. Oftentimes, when you have spent years or decades with someone, your lives have become completely entwined — the same friend groups, weekends spent together, perhaps raising kids together. Therefore, when you think… Read More »

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How to Help a Person Experiencing Abuse

By Taryn G. Sinatra, P.A. |

Violence against women and girls is a human rights violation. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, emerging data and reports from those on the front lines have shown that all types of violence against women and girls — particularly domestic violence — have intensified. If you know someone experiencing domestic abuse, learn how to help… Read More »

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New Year Financial Checklist: 7 Things to Consider

By Taryn G. Sinatra, P.A. |

Here we are, already ankle-deep in 2022. How are those resolutions coming along for you? New Year’s is traditionally a time to resolve to do something new or to do something differently. However, the new year can be a time of changes for a loss or separation, which makes it important to create New… Read More »

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Parental Rights

By Taryn G. Sinatra, P.A. |

When a union results in children, and then that union then dissolves, there are some common assumptions that are made about custody and timesharing rights. Regardless of the duration of the relationship, according to Florida law, if the couple had their child(ren) outside of wedlock, the father has no legal rights to custody or… Read More »

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Divorce Checklist

By Taryn G. Sinatra, P.A. |

You’re grappling with a tough decision: divorce. Now is the time to make sure you’re completely prepared for what can come next. It’s not going to be easy, but you’ll get through it. We’ve brought you this divorce checklist to ensure you’re taking the necessary steps to make the process as smooth as possible…. Read More »

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Why and When You Should Consider a Prenup After Marriage

By Taryn G. Sinatra, P.A. |

Everyone likes to feel protected, and as the future is unknown it’s only natural to wonder if you missed the boat on a prenup after marriage. The good news is, it’s not too late! A prenuptial agreement after the marriage IS still possible and can hold guaranteed security — financial and otherwise — for… Read More »

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