The Benefits of Mediation

Family law encompasses some of the most difficult parts of life. With a divorce, financial stresses, and time-sharing considerations, often emotions are high and people are feeling intense stress levels because of the nature of the experiences they are navigating through. When life does not work out how you expected it, the team at the Law Office of Taryn G. Sinatra in South Florida is here to counsel you and advocate for what matters most. In many cases, mediation is required by the courts and is often times the method in which parties will settle their disputes. Mediation allows the parties to reach settlement through a neutral, third party, empowering you to make the decisions. Trained in dispute resolution techniques, a mediator can help the parties identify and resolve issues, and help alleviate some of the stresses that uncoupling can produce.
Improved Communication:
A mediator cannot provide you with legal advice. However, although many mediators are lawyers, it’s important to note that Taryn Sinatra is a Board Certified Marital and Family Law attorney as well as a Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator. As a mediator, we aid you and your partner in reaching an agreement. By attending mediation together, you will be able to reach an agreement that is more representative of your unique situation. Often mediation reaches an agreement faster, which will help prevent the emotional trauma that can come with prolonged arguing and toxicity. Resolution in this way can help not only with your peace of mind and future happiness but your children’s, as well.
Reduced Costs:
The cost of litigation and particularly trials in family law can be an extreme financial burden. Mediation is often a quicker and less costly way to resolve a family law matter.
Ongoing Co-parenting Can Be Easier:
Your future may not be together, but when children are involved, some sort of ‘togetherness’ is required. When going the route of mediation you are affording you, parents can work through discussion and striving towards common goals and outcomes for the best interest of the children. Mediation can provide resolution in a less hostile environment that can often be met with courtroom proceedings.
The team at Sinatra Legal is here to assist you whether as your team of lawyers to attend mediation by your side to advocate for and guide you, or to act as the neutral mediator to assist both parties in reaching a resolution. Whether you need us in the courtroom to fight for you every step of the way or for mediation services, we are here.
Visit our Facebook page at or give us a call 561.430.4121 to see how we can support you.